- Two Professors Join Department
- The Department is pleased to welcome Dr. Aaron Montgomery and Dr. Vinitha Subburaj.
Dr. Montgomery recently completed his Ph.D. in Probability and Stochastic Proceses at the University of Oregon. Dr. Subburay comes to BW from Texas Tech University where she recently completed her Ph.D. in Software Engineering.
- Professor Retires
Dr. Richard A. Little, faculty member in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, retired at the end of the academic year. He has been at
Baldwin Wallace since 1975.
During his tenure, he has received
many awards,
the Baldwin Wallace Strosacker Award for
Excellence in Teaching.
Dr. Little's significant contributions over his
38 years of service have significantly enhanced the reputation of BW.
He developed and led a distinctive program for the preparation of teachers
of Mathematics that is recognized throughout the state of Ohio and beyond.
His many other outstanding contributions to the university include teaching
in the MBA program, the Honors program, Weekend College, and the Freshman
Experience course.
He was active in Project Discovery,
and the BW Summer Scholars Program.
Dr. Little helped many students exceed their own expectations and many have gone on
to graduate school, professional study, and other rewarding, contributing
careers. He has brought further attention to BW as his stature in the
community continues to grow as he as recently been featured as a speaker and
an officer in both the Mathematical Association of America and the National
Council of Teachers of Mathematics. He was selected as "Mathematics Professor of the Year" by the Ohio Section of the MAA in 2010.
- Outstanding Computer Science and Mathematics Students
- Each year, the Department recognizes outstanding Mathematics and
Computer Science students. For the 2012-2013 academic year, the award recipients were
recognized at the annual Departmental Awards Ceremony, which took place on
Sunday, March 24, 2013, in Sandstone III, Strosacker Union. The ceremony and honorary inductions concluded with a reception for inductees and award recipients, parents, friends, faculty,
and scholarship donors.
- Computer Honorary Initiates Members
Baldwin Wallace Chapter of Upsilon Pi Epsilon, national Computer Science
honorary, inducted
five new initiates this year.
This annual initiation ceremony was held in conjunction with the Departmental Awards Ceremony on Sunday, March 24,
- Mathematics Honorary Initiates Members
The Baldwin Wallace Chapter of Kappa Mu Epsilon, national Mathematics
honorary, also held its annual induction ceremony along with the
Departmental Awards Ceremony on Sunday, March 24, 2013. This year,
20 new members were inducted.
- High School Programming Contest
The Tenth Annual Baldwin Wallace University High School
Programming Competition took place on Tuesday, April 26,
This was the largest contest in its history.
Registration included 101 students on twenty-eight teams and representing twelve high schools from the greater Cleveland area. First place honors went to Solon High School.
Information about the contest, including past problem sets and
results of past competitions, can be found at http://acm.bw.edu/contest/
- Cyber Defense Team Competes
The Baldwin Wallace Cyber Defense Team took
first place at the state level of competition, thereby qualifying to represent Ohio at the 2013 Midwest Regional Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition.
Members of the state winning team are: Ryan Bloomfield, Dave Cornelius, George Meyer, Aric Gady (team captain), Billy Gallon, Ben Hamilton, Corey Ham, and Collin Simpson. The team took fourth place at the regional contest where they won the "Sea Biscuit" award. Read the full story at
- Programming Teams Compete
Baldwin Wallace computer students participated in four programming contests this year. They began with a "warm-up" to the ACM Regional competition
at the the Annual Muskingum Programming Contst. Two team entered the regional level of the ACM
International Programming Contest. In February,
They completed at the Annual Denison Spring Programming Contest, followed about a
month later at the Annual Ohio Wesleyan Programming Contest. At each of the three Ohio competitions, Baldwin Wallace placed in the top third.
- Student Places in SIGCSE Poster Competition
Junior Aric Gady had a poster accepted in the Student Poster Competition at the
ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) annual meeting. This year's meeting, which attracted over 1000 computer science educators, took place in Denver, Colorado, in March. Aric's poster was ranked among the five top finalists. His poster was based on his work with Dr. Anthony's research group related to automated
pre-scheduling incoming students.
- Two Students Recognized at OCWIC
Senior Anna Marchuk had her research paper accepted for presentation at the biennual Ohio Celebration for Women in Computing (OCWIC), held at Mohican Lodge at
the end of February. Freshman Hayleigh Sanders took first place in the poster competition, earning her a trip to next year's annual Grace Hopper Conference. Both students' work resulted from their participation in Dr. Anthony's research group.
Last modified:
Jun 20, 2013 MathWeb